5 Secrets to Perfect Family Pictures

Family pictures is all about having fun. Capturing the moment and documenting the current moments of your family. But it can also feel overwhelming to plan for pictures and the pressure of getting those perfect family pictures can sometimes get to you. I wanted to share my Top 5 Secrets to Perfect Family Pictures.

  1. Coordinate your outfits

    Find colors that coordinate with each other. Think harmony, not matchy/matchy. Using the color wheel can be very helpful in preparing for your family pictures.

    But most importantly, find outfits that everyone in the family will feel comfortable in. You can still dress up, but if dad will be a grouch in a button up shirt maybe it’s better to put him in a nice sweater or polo shirt instead.

    For little kids, keep it simple and avoid bulky outfits. Kids move around a lot and we may do some sitting poses during your family pictures which mean bulky clothes may hide their sweet little faces, hands and feet.

  2. Pick a familiar spot

    It doesn’t have to be a spot you’ve necessarily been to before, but a spot that means something to your family. If you never spend time on the beach and hate the sand, then family pictures on the beach may not be your ideal location.
    Think of what you like to do as a family. Maybe your an adventurous family who likes to hike? Let’s get some fun family pictures at a hike around San Diego. Or maybe you enjoy more of a sleek, urban setting. Then downtown could be your perfect location for family portraits.

  3. Get Groomed Up

    Your investing in your family portraits. That includes investing in yourself as well. Get yourself that haircut or new highlights you’ve been wanting. The last thing you want to do is agonize over undone hair in your pictures.

    Have your husband clean up his beard so it’s neat and clean. Make everyone cut their nails and have either no or fresh nail polish on those hands. It’s the little things that will make your pictures stand out and give you that experience you’ve been wanting.

  4. Leave the cheese at home

    Please don’t teach your kids the “Say Cheese” command. It naturally brings out a forced smile. We want your family pictures to show the natural you, and that includes your natural facial expressions. The big innocent eyes, the relaxed toothless smile, and the genuine laughters.

  5. Picture Perfect is a matter of imperfection

    Picture perfect doesn’t always mean that you need an image with everyone standing, looking at the camera with a “perfect” smile on their face. Your perfect family images are the ones where your love and connection shows through. Where hugs, giggles and eye contact is more perfect, than a stiff, unnatural pose. Leave perfection at home and come to your shoot ready to have a fun, relaxed time with your family!

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