My Top Maternity Picks from Amazon

5 Top Maternity Picks from Amazon – Must Haves for a summer pregnancy

Time flies when you’re having fun. Or when you’re pregnant at least. We’re now more than halfway through our pregnancy with our first kid and it’s crazy how fast it’s gone. Meanwhile the temperature has risen like crazy here in San Diego. I’ve had to browse Amazon for some top maternity picks to help me get through the summer heat. I figured since I’m not the only one pregant during the summer I would share my Top 5 Maternity Picks from Amazon in case you’re looking for something yourself.

#1 Top Maternity Amazon Pick for Summer Pregnancy

I think this has been my most favorite maternity purchase and something I might still keep wearing even after birth. These shorts are so amazing for so many reasons and definitely on my top maternity picks list and something I tell everyone about.

Wearing these shorts help support my stomach while out and about. It also provides a really nice shape under clothes making you feel even better about your pregnant body. I’ve realized that proper support for my stomach is vital for me to be able to be out and about for a while. So these shorts combined with a tighter dress has been so good for me.

However, not only do they help support my belly but I can now wear dresses in the heat without having my thighs chafe like crazy. It’s been so amazing. I wore a dress wearing these under while in Boston and walked for over 8 miles in day and have never felt better. I now one 6 pairs in nude and black in size Large and they’re great.


#2 Top Maternity Amazon Pick for Summer Pregnancy

As I mentioned earlier, during my pregnancy proper support for my stomach has been vital. However, I’ve felt like it’s been really hard to find clothes that fit before you’re 6+ months pregnant with a big belly. There are very few outfits that are targeted towards early pregnancy where you’re not big enough for full pregnancy support coverage. And yet you’re too big for your regular clothes.

Enter Amazon find and this dress is definitely on my top maternity picks. It’s long, comfortable and stretchy which means you can wear it for a long time during you’re pregnancy. It’s also great in the heat. I wore it during a full day at the San Diego Zoo and felt great. Combined with the shorts mentioned earlier it gives you the proper support you need and also a beautiful pregnancy shape. I purchased a size large and it fit perfectly.

#3 Top Maternity Amazon Pick for Summer Pregnancy

While we’re at it, let’s keep going with another top maternity dress from Amazon. This ribbed dress is a super comfortable, casual option for those hot days in San Diego.

It’s a little bit stiffer than the other dress I selected, but in a good way. It’s still comfortable but because it’s not as soft it provides the perfect support for a pregnant mom.

I know I keep talking about the support, but honestly I’ve never had my stomach muscles feel more tired than while pregnant and out walking for a longer period of time. So having something that can help “hold the stomach up” is so important if you want to do something other than sitting on your bum on the couch! I ordered the dress in a size Large and hope it’ll fit thruoghout the entire pregnancy.

#4 Top Maternity Amazon Pick for Summer Pregnancy

Look no further for the most comfortable, and usable yoga, biker shorts ever!! I first bought these in black and now ordered these teal colored ones. When I first put them on and felt how velvety soft they’re on the outside I couldn’t stop running my hands up an down my legs.

Not only are they soft and nice, they  also offer great support AND most importantly, they have a pocket for your phone! So convenient and important when you’re out walking, and super useful too when you have a baby to take care of. I bought these in a size Medium and they fit perfectly with room to grow.

#5 Top Maternity Amazon Pick for Summer Pregnancy

Last but not least on my Top Maternity Amazon Picks for a Summer Pregnancy is my pregnancy pillow. I went back and forth on whether or not  Ineeded one, but after all of my maternity clients and all of my friends who’ve been pregnant raved about theirs I decided to get one. Especially since I’m a back sleeper I wanted something to help me not lay flat on my back.

What I love the most about this one is that it offers multiple different ways to create a pillow that works for you. With an detachable section you can choose to have it either as a U-shape pillow, a small long one or a larger L-shaped pillow.

But most importantly, it has a cooling feature. Don’t ask me how it works, but the cover actually stays cool during the night. Not the entire time, but since I move a lot and switch sides a lot during the night, one side always stays cool to the touch which is so great during hot summer nights. Definitely a must have for a summer pregnancy.

While these are just some of my Top Maternity Picks from Amazon for a Summer Pregnancy I’m sure there are plenty more. One thing I left off of course is the most important one – Maternity Pictures in my San Diego Photography Studio or outdoors on location in San Diego. If you’re ready to book and want to learn more please contact me on my Booking Page and I’d love to chat with you!