Older Newborns Pictures – Newborn Session after 14 days

Older Newborn Sessions are OK

If you’ve considered having a newborn session done you’ve probably done your research, talked to different photographers and learned that most newborn sessions are done within 8-12 days of birth. Well then, Covid-19, the Corona Virus happened, and everything has been put on hold, including your newborn photography session.

Maybe this is making you feel stressed out because you don’t want to miss having those precious, bundled up portraits of your infant. Or maybe now moving forward, you feel a little nervous about bringing your baby to a portrait studio within 14 days of birth.

Well mama,I got you! Don’t worry, there is still time. Yes, ideally we like to do newborn sessions within the first 8-12 days of birth for a few different reasons. However, with the proper preparations, a few tricks up my sleeve and a lot of patience, I am here to tell you that you can still get those adorable newborn pictures you’ve been dreaming off with an older newborn baby.

1 month old newborn pictures

During my 8 years of doing newborn photography I have had several older newborns come to the studio for their newborn pictures. And I can tell you, there have been multiple instances when my older newborns actually sleep better during their session than their younger counterpart.

Here are some tips to have a successful newborn session with an older baby.

  1. Sleep Schedule – with an older newborn they may have a more set sleep schedule than a 2 week old will have. This allows us to schedule your session around their sleep schedule (if they have one) and are more likely to hit their nap time.

  2. Make baby sleepy – more so than with a 2 week old, it is important to try to keep your baby awake until you get to your car to drive to the session. A one to two month old baby is more alert than a 2 week old so we need to “help” them by keeping them away a little longer prior to the session.

  3. Food – if you’re breastfeeding please make sure to limit spicy food or food that can make your baby’s belly upset through the breastmilk. A baby with an upset stomach will be more unsettled than one with a happy belly.

To end it all, let’s look at some baby’s that were older than the 8-12 days during their session and who still did GREAT!