Top 3 reasons why I LOVE being a Newborn Photographer

Being a Photographer in San Diego, CA is a beautiful thing. This city has so many beautiful places to bring pregnant moms for the maternity pictures. To capture laughing kids running down the beach with their parents walking behind hand in hand. Yes, San Diego is a beautiful city for a photographer.

And yet, my most favorite type of photography is newborn photographer. And there are a few reasons why. Here are three reasons to why I LOVE being a Newborn Photographer in San Diego, CA. 

Top 3 reasons why I love being a Newborn Photographer in San Diego

  1. I help create memories
    A newborn baby is only a newborn for a very short period of time. And most parents are so sleep deprived during that time (and you thought college was a sleep free zone!) that they have a hard time really focusing and remember that precious newborn time. That’s where I come in. I allow new parents to come in, hand off their baby and sit back and relax, and even take a nap. And while they catch up on some much needed sleep, I document their baby’s tiny little features. The feathery hair along their arms and back. Those itty, bitty toes and fingers. And the curled up poses only a newborn can get in to. 

    These are images that will jog your memory when your baby is older. When sleep has found its way back in to your home and you finally have some time for yourself. These images will bring back smiles and moments you had forgotten about. When leafing through your newborn album filled with those beautiful newborn pictures you’ll be able to remember your newborn baby’s fresh smell, the warmth of their body and the sound of their first noise. 

  2. It’s always fun to challenge myself
    I worked in corporate America (IT) for 5 years before going full-time with my photography. And the one thing I really disliked about it was how monotone and similar each day was. That’s why newborn photography is so much fun. Each newborn is an individual and even at 12 days of age they all have their own personalities. Which means each newborn photography session is different and unique from the next. It’s continuously learning what makes each baby sleep, what startles them, and what positions they enjoy (as well as dislike). It’s a constant challenge and I love it!
  3. The snuggles
    I’m not going to lie. My most favorite part is the snuggles. Even after they’ve peed and pooped on me, the snuggles makes it all worth it. Their warm little bodies as I rock them to sleep. Their sweet little faces as I feed them between poses. Those precious little smiles when they feel comfortable in a certain pose. Or the cute little noises when they are dreaming something sweet. Newborns are the best and I absolutely LOVE hanging out with them. 

Studio Freyja shares her experience as a Newborn Photographer in San Diego, CA. With a beautiful studio in Collegetown Studio Freyja is the premier San Diego Newborn Photographer. 

Yes – I love being a newborn photographer. As challenging as it may be sometimes it’s so rewarding to see the parents faces when they look back at their images and hearing how much they love them. 

Book your newborn pictures right now and come to our brand new San Diego Newborn Photography Studio in College Town! With a lot more space, natural light and beautiful setups we are now proud to offer even more diversity.