When to Book Your Newborn Photography Session

 “A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for.” – Author Unknown

The most common age to do a newborn photography session is when you’re baby is between 8-12 days. Each photographer have their own sweet spot age, but I love the 8-12 day window. However, I’ve done older and younger newborn sessions as well. Proper preparation is key to a successful newborn session.

When to schedule your newborn photography session with San Diego Newborn Photographer Studio Freyja

Babies are unpredictable. Sure you’ll get a due date from your OB of when they expect your baby to be born. They say you’ll carry your baby for about 40 weeks but we all know that’s just an estimate, because babies are unpredictable. They follow their own schedule. Set their own timing. And all we can do is go with the flow. 

Because it’s impossible to accurately depict an exact birth date (even scheduled c-sections may be off) newborn photographers generally only book a limited number of newborn photography sessions each week. Usually I ask for your due date and then plan on a session being able to happen two weeks prior and two weeks post that due date. 

Top San Diego Newborn Photographer talks about when the right time is to schedule your infant photography session

Also, a newborn session can take anywhere from 2-4 hours. Me personally, I only schedule one newborn session per day to ensure I give each session the right amount of time and care. That’s why I only accept 2-3 newborn due dates per week. This way I can ensure that I have enough time to fit you in during the ideal age of 8-12 days of birth. Even if all of my newborns are born on the same date! 

So when looking for your newborn photographer reach out as soon as possible. Schedule your newborn session at the same time as you schedule your maternity session to ensure you have a spot on your photographers schedule. 

Having said that, if you’ve already given birth reach out now and we’ll squeeze you in for a beautiful newborn photography session at our San Diego Newborn Studio. So if you’re ready to book your fine art newborn photography session – just click the button below to get started!