San Diego Mom Community – The Importance of Having Mom Friends

When it comes to motherhood, your support system is everything, and it can completely change your experience. Instead of facing the ups and downs of pregnancy and motherhood alone, it is important to seek out mom friends, who understand the transition you’re going through. The San Diego Mom Community is large and far-reaching with so much support for both new and established moms.

If you’re going to be a mom for the first time, this is even more important. You’ll have so many questions that it’s. a good idea to have someone to bounce ideas off of and seek advice from. You might think connecting with the right women might be difficult, but it’s a lot easier than it seems!

San Diego Mom Community | The benefits of having mom friends

When you have a baby, it’s natural for your priorities to change. However, that can be difficult if your friends aren’t experiencing the same lifestyle transition. You can’t plan your days just around your own agenda anymore, and it might take some getting used to. 

Aside from having new friends to socialize with, you can expect a whole array of benefits when you make an effort to meet new mom friends.

Women who get it

There’s nothing more comforting than feeling seen and understood, and when it comes to motherhood, your partner might have a hard time fully comprehending your day-to-day experience. Whether you’re currently expecting like me or if you already have children, other moms will understand what you’re going through. The emotional/hormonal side of pregnancy can be difficult for others to imagine if they haven’t actually experienced it themselves, and sometimes you just need reassurance that the way you’re feeling is totally normal.

San Diego Mom Community of SD Mom Blog, ladies who support each other posing together

The San Diego Mom Collective is a great organization to meet other moms. They plan fun activities every month with special events throughout the year.

Built-in support system

Not only do mom friends get where you’re coming from, but they make an incredible built-in support system, ready to catch you whenever you need it.  If you’re looking to lose your baby weight and need some accountability buddies, you already have some! If you find yourself dealing with any mental health struggles that might be difficult for others to understand, your group of mom friends will be the first to lend an ear and offer comforting advice.  

At the end of the day, sometimes we just need to comfort knowing someone is going to be there for us. As much as your partner might play that role, there will be certain things that you’ll find easier talking to other moms about. Of course, you can still share these things with your partner, but you can do so with a little less stress since you know you have women that have your back and have experienced the same things as you.

Share your ideas with like-minded women

Motherhood comes with a lot of decision-making, and sometimes you need an outside opinion, especially if this is your first time! If you have questions about breastfeeding, potty training, daycare, or even sleep training, other moms are certainly the most qualified to help you come to a decision.

San Diego Mom Community | How to find mom friends

You might find yourself in complete agreement with everything I’ve said above, but still wonder how on earth you go about finding such an incredible group of women. Luckily, there are plenty of channels to go through, and you can start your search as soon as you finish reading!

Storytime at your local library or bookstore

If you have a local bookstore that hosts a storytime for kids, this is a great place to find mom friends! Right off the bat, you’ll be able to see who has kids around the same age as yours, making it a little easier to make an introduction.

Facebook groups

We are so lucky to have so many digital tools at our disposal these days. You can find a group for just about anything on Facebook, and mom groups definitely don’t disappoint! Depending on what you’re looking for, you can join a general group with women from all over, a local group, and niche groups that focus on moms with specific hobbies or goals in mind.

Sign up for classes

Another great way to connect with like-minded mothers is to sign up for different classes. You don’t have to limit yourself to mommy-and-me classes either! From post-natal pilates to cooking classes, there are plenty of options to choose from. Just take time to do a little research on what is available in your area.

Image of two moms laughing together as part of the San Diego Mom Community

San Diego Mom Community | The bottom line

If you’re hesitant about putting yourself out there, just remember that the other moms are probably feeling the same way, so don’t be shy! You never know what kind of friendship could blossom from a simple introduction.

This time is all about creating memories and adding value to your life. If you’re located in the San Diego area, don’t hesitate to reach out for any of your maternity, newborn, and family photography needs!